Why Isn’t My Tree Blooming?

Springtime is a wonderful season to be a tree planter. You’ll quickly get to see the results of your work as your trees bloom beautifully over the spring months! However, your trees aren’t guaranteed to bloom during this time! If this is something that you’re experiencing with your trees, don’t worry! There are several things that you can do to amend this error. Read on to figure out why your tree might not be blooming - and how you can fix it!

Why Your Tree Isn’t Blooming

Depending on the type of tree that you’re growing and the climate you live in, the factors that cause a tree to bloom could be different from others. In general, there are four main reasons as to why your tree isn’t blooming. It could be any of them - or a combination!

  • Damage From The Elements: This especially applies if you live in a climate that is typically ravaged by the winter months. The most common cause is frost, but severe storms could also play a significant role here.
  • Improper Pruning: This can be caused by either pruning the tree at the wrong time, or in the wrong places. Some of the branches you remove could have been the ones that bloomed!
  • Inadequate Soil: Sometimes, a tree is unable to receive the proper amount of nutrients from the soil it needs to bloom. If you live in a dry climate, this may be the cause!
  • Watering: This can be the result of not giving your tree enough water - or it getting too much! You should factor in your climate when deciding how much water to give it

What You Can Do

If your tree isn’t blooming, there are a few steps that you can take to rectify the situation. The first thing that you can try is doing a soil test. Other than improper pruning, three of the biggest causes for trees that don’t bloom can be directly related to the soil. Harsh weather has the potential of tampering with it, as well as the amount of water it gets. By getting a soil test, you could be able to identify the root of the problem. Another step that you can take is to use a new type of fertilizer. Depending on the type of tree that you're growing, you may need different fertilizers in order to achieve the desired yield.

Get Proper Tree Care With Elliott Tree

You won’t have to worry about improper pruning again when you work with Elliott Tree! Elliott Tree offers expert tree pruning services to ensure that your trees bloom properly in the spring months. We also offer a wide variety of tree care services to make your yard look the best it can be! To ensure a successful tree bloom, contact us today for a free estimate.

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