Why it is Important to Trim Trees Before Heavy Snowfall

With old man winter right around the corner, it’s important to take care of your trees. By trimming and pruning your trees before heavy snowfall, you’ll not only protect the trees themselves, but also other parts of your yard and/or property. Furthermore, the late fall is one of the best times to hire a professional to prune your trees.

Pruning Prevents Fallen Limbs

We all know that snow can quickly weigh down tree branches and limbs. And ice storms add even more weight than snowstorms. Rather than wait for your trees to buckle under this heavy precipitation, have someone trim them before winter arrives.

Diseased and dying limbs are the most likely to fall with snow because they are already weakened. By pruning these weak parts away, you’ll prevent them from falling on their own.

When limbs fall, they can break off in ways that damage the rest of the tree. This may lead to issues that require you to cut down your whole tree. Or, you may have to pay for expensive treatment services.

Additionally, falling limbs can break car windows, damage roofs, and cause injury to humans and animals. If a diseased tree falls and causes damages, you may be held liable.

Trees are Dormant

In the late fall, trees are dormant, meaning they are not actively growing. Therefore, they are better equipped to handle the stress that trimming and pruning causes.

Rather than wait until the spring or winter, it’s a good idea to trim your trees before the cold and snow arrive. Pruning when the trees are dormant also encourages healthy new growth once the temperature warms up in the spring.

There’s No Foliage to Deal With

In the fall, deciduous trees lose their leaves. After all the leaves drop from a tree, it is much easier to get a good look at the tree’s structure and health. When leaves aren’t obstructing the tree’s limbs, it becomes easier to detect problems caused by disease, insects, and physical damage.

Along with making it easier to take a good look at the tree, a lack of leaves also makes the pruning process easier. There’s less room for error when trees don’t have leaves. Plus, the process is faster to complete. This means that tree maintenance costs are often lower in the late fall.

The Weather is Comfortable

As you might expect, nobody wants to be trimming a tree when the temperature is cold, the wind is howling, and snow is falling. As such, emergency winter tree work often comes at a higher cost than non-emergency work. To avoid these higher costs it’s important to trim and prune your trees before winter weather arrives.


If you have a unique tree or if you’d like some expert advice to make sure you’re doing everything you can to keep your trees healthy, give us a call today! Contact Elliott Tree at 781-447-0045 or by filling out our contact form. Please click here for tree removal services!

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