Tips on Removing Small Tree Stumps

While there is nothing better than removing a tree to create more space in your yard, If you have ever cut a tree down or had a large tree felled in your yard, it can be frustrating to know that the job is not totally done.

When it comes to removing a tree stump some homeowners may simply opt to leave the stump to deal with it at a later time or tackle the project themselves.

If you are a DIY type of person read on for some quick and somewhat simple tips to take care of that pesky stump.

With Science!

Epsom Salts are known around the world for its basically unlimited applications. Magnesium sulfate is the main ingredient in Epsom salt, and can be used for a variety of purposes such as gardening, cleaning, crafts, health, beauty, wellness, & STUMP REMOVAL! In small doses, Epsom salt can perform wonders but like most things, too much of a good thing can be bad. In this situation using an abundance of Epsom salt will rob the tree of valuable nutrients causing it to break down.

To get the best results, drill 1" holes around the stump leaving a few inches between each hole. After that fill each hole with Epsom salt, and fill with enough water to be absorbed, but not enough to overflow, as this runoff can be detrimental to your surrounding lawn. For a step by step guide on how to use Epson salts to remove an old stump click here! This method is best for larger stumps but can be used on stumps of any size. This process takes time and the results may vary.

For this you will need:
Epsom Salt
A Power Drill

With Hard Labor!

As you might have guessed this method is a bit more labor intensive as it involves manually removing a stump from the ground. This method is not ideal for an individual with back or knee issues as you will be up and down. This process may not be the fastest method but it is the most definitive way to know that you have completely de rooted the stump. First, start by digging around the stump to give you a better idea of how thick the root system is. Next, use a combination of your axe and saw to cut through tough roots. Repeat this process until you can successfully remove the stump from the ground. This method is best for smaller stumps as a larger stump will have a stronger root system holding it in place.

For this you will need:

What Not To Do!

If you have found your way to this blog, chances are good that this is not the first article you have read on the numerous ways to remove a stump. These tips are the least invasive / destructive ways to remove a stump without contaminating the surrounding ground without using chemicals or other methods of stump removal.

One of the most important things to stress is to never bury a tree stump. Burying a tree stump will cause a tree to rot over time, but this comes with dangerous repercussions. When a stump is buried and starts to decay, the root system will begin to fall apart, when combined with rain or moisture, this can potentially create a sinkhole on your property creating even bigger problems.


If you are unsure of what to do with a stump in your yard, contact our team of professionals with any questions or concerns. With years of experience, we promise to assist our clients with any tree needs they may encounter. For more information, contact Elliott Tree at 781-447-0045 or by filling out our contact form.

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