Tips For Summer Tree Care

As a tree owner, probably the most important thing that you’ll need to know how to do is properly care for your trees. As a general rule of thumb, caring for your trees in one season will look completely different when compared to another! Like all of the other seasons, summer has its own unique differences when it comes to tree care. Summer is much hotter than the other seasons, and the potential for severe thunderstorms only increases. Read on to see the best tips for caring for your trees during the summer months!

Routinely Inspect Trees For Pests

As the temperature outside continues to rise, more and more pests will start to come out of the woodwork. Pests love to make a home within the bark and trunks of your trees! You should do a routine inspection of them to make sure that they aren’t lurking around there. Even if you do find pests around your tree, performing inspections regularly will ensure that you discover the problem in its early stages. This makes it a lot easier to dispose of the problem, so make sure you’re diligent with these checks!

Check For Signs Of Drought Stress

If it isn’t raining during the summer months, it’s incredibly hot! During the summer, trees are at a lot greater of a risk for developing drought stress, which can be very harmful to their health. Check your tree’s branches for signs of this. You should be looking for signs of leaves wilting, curling or turning yellow or brown. You should also be checking your soil to make sure that it hasn’t dried out. If those boxes are checked off, your tree is in good shape! If not, you should be able to catch the problem early and deal with it easier.

Prepare For Storms

With a larger potential for severe storms, you should make sure that your trees are prepared ahead of time! For this, you should definitely consult with a professional. They’ll be able to do a full inspection of the tree. In some cases, they’ll add cables to limbs of your tree that look weak in order to protect them from damage. The added protection will definitely increase the odds of your tree’s survival in inclement weather!

Tree Care Services At Elliott Tree

Elliott Tree wants to ensure the health of your trees just as much as you do! We offer tree pruning services to ensure that dead branches and limbs are removed, improving the health of your tree. If it has hit the point of no return, we can help there too! We offer emergency tree removal services and stump grinding to help out with trees that are at their end. We strive to bring 5 star service to every job that we perform across Massachusetts. To experience the 5 star service that we provide, contact Elliott Tree today!

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