Important Benefits of Tree Trimming

The process of tree trimming is quite different from tree pruning. This is because while the former is focused primarily on aesthetics, the latter helps to enhance the tree’s shape, general health, and beauty. There are myriads of other benefits attached to tree trimming. These benefits include:

Better Exposure to Sunlight

Since the amount of photosynthesis is determined by the amount of sun reaching the leaves, therefore if a tree has many leaves that are hidden from the sun by higher branches, the process will be diminished. Implicitly, trimming the unnecessary branches helps the tree to get more sunlight, which increases the amount of photosynthesis and the overall health of the tree.

Prevention of the Spread of diseases

They say ‘prevention is better than cure.’ This is because a disease may get to a situation where a cure is impossible. Therefore, when trimming exercises are performed, one can easily detect any disease affecting the tree. Also, early detection will enable the prevention of the disease from spreading. Sadly, some diseases spread slowly before one may notice. Such disease can kill the entire tree or even infect other trees. This increases the need for tree trimming, as it will serve as a first-aid of inspecting/detecting any problem that may arise in the future.


If dead branches fall from untrimmed trees, they have the possibility of causing damage to life and property. Therefore, keeping the trees trimmed minimizes this risk and, hence, cuts any possible cost spent on repair of damaged property or costs arising from the growth of the tree to an uncontrollable state.

Improve the overall health of the Tress

Usually, a large tree is attractive to the eye. However, it lacks the capability of absorbing all the essential nutrients from the soil or the ground. Insufficient nutrients affect the overall health of the tree. But if the larger branches are cut off, it would allow usage of the less available nutrients maximally.

With trimming, the overall appearance and structure of the tree are improved, and it prevents the development of broad or weak branches.

Protection of Home, Property, and Family

The sudden break of tree branches can be very harmful to human health, in the sense that they may penetrate through the roof if not trimmed, could entangle power lines increasing the power loss risk, or even fall on people endangering their heads or eyes. Trimming eliminates all of these.


If you have a unique tree or if you’d like some expert advice to make sure you’re doing everything you can to keep your trees healthy, give us a call today! Contact Elliott Tree at 781-447-0045 or by filling out our contact form. Please click here for tree removal services!

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