Fall Tree Care Tips

As the seasons change, each new season brings a host of potential problems that your trees can have. With the summer and spring months come severe thunderstorms, lots of rain, and humidity. Winter is by far the harshest season, bringing record cold temperatures, snow and hail. So, what problems can the fall season bring? A lot of it actually revolves around planning for the winter months! We break down the best tips for taking care of your trees this fall season below.

Now Is The Time To Prune

When fall kicks into full swing, there’s no better time to prune your trees! Before you rush out with your clippers, however, you’ll need to wait a little longer. Once all of the leaves have fallen from your tree, you’ll be able to get a much clearer look at each branch. You’ll basically be given a roadmap of your tree, and from there it will be much easier to spot which branches are the weakest links. Don’t go super crazy pruning, but as long as you break off the weakest links you should be in good shape.

Replenish Your Mulch

Part of preparing your tree for the winter is ensuring that it has enough nutrients in the soil to survive it. Since fall is the most productive season for tree root growth, the thing that you’ll need to ensure most is the protection of said roots. For this reason, fall is a good time to replenish your mulch! Make sure that your mulch covers a decent sized radius to confirm that it covers the entire root area. As with pruning, there’s no need to go overboard.

Clean Up The Leaves

This is something that you should be doing regardless of whether or not you own a tree, but the importance of leaf cleanup can’t be overstated. Make sure you clean up the leaf piles around your tree prior to the snow falling. If you don’t, the grass and areas around your tree will be more susceptible to snow mold, which is mold that forms on your grass once the snow melts. It’s a long-term investment, but an easy and necessary one nonetheless.

Tree Care With Elliott Tree and Landscaping

Regardless of whether or not your tree is alive, the best place to call is Elliott Tree! If your trees are alive, we can use our professional experience to ensure that they’re properly cared for. If they’re dead, we can help you there, too! We also offer tree removal and stump grinding services to get those eyesores off of your property. For a healthier landscape, click here to contact us directly!

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