Recently, New Englanders were affected by Hurricane Joaquin. While we didn’t get a direct hit from it, we still saw effects from the hurricane. Fortunately, we have the technology to warn us with how powerful the hurricane will be and where it will cause the most damage. With this, property owners are able to prepare their cars, home and land.
Usually, the hurricane damage isn’t as bad as expected and the trees can be easily saved. If you find that all the damage is to your tree canopies and the tree can be set straight, contact Elliott Tree for emergency tree care. We’ll remove the damaged branches and then the only thing left to do is wait for spring!
When a hurricane occurs, if a tree is damaged, it typically comes from the wind. Much like pulling a weed from a garden, trees are literally uprooted from the ground by their branches. After a hurricane, to restore a tree, the crater must be cleaned out and replaced with a new tree. Once you replace the tree, measure the trunk of the tree and for each inch of the trunk width, water with three gallows for three times a week.
Unfortunately, after a hurricane, not all trees can be saved. If you find that a tree trunk is split or cracked, the tree must be removed by a professional. Depending on the size of the tree wound, there is a good chance the tree can get an infection. If there is root damage, there is a chance of the tree falling over and tree trimming will isn’t an option.

If Hurricane Joaquin affected your property or trees and have questions about a tree, contact Elliott Tree today at 781-447-0045 or by filling out our contact form.
Main Phone: (781) 447-0045
Fax: (781) 447-0098
Emergency Number: (781) 831-1128
(Emergency Only)
Emergency Service Available 24/7
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