Dedham, MA, is located in Norfolk County in southern Massachusetts. Elliott Tree has been proudly servicing Dedham for years with our skilled team! Elliot Tree offers professional tree removal services in Dedham, MA, including emergency tree removal, tree pruning, and stump grinding. Founded in 2012, it is proud of the strong bond it has built with the residents of Dedham due to our affordable services.
Are you concerned about a tree on your property? If you have a tree hanging too close to a powerline or risk of falling , contact us today! Elliot Tree offers free inspections so do not hesitate to call if you are worried about a tree on your property.
No matter if a tree is dead, or if you are just interested in clearing a few trees on your property line we have you covered. Scheduling a time for our expert team to come out is easy; you can do so by calling ahead or filling out one of our contact forms.
If you are interested in opening up your yard to offer more space for activities. Stump grinding can also be useful if you have had a tree recently die or fall. Our team is glad to help clear way and keep your yard looking fresh and fun!
If you are looking to keep up with your trees during the constant changes of weather in New England then pruning is what you are looking for. Pruning is a great way to keep your trees looking healthy and happy. Our skilled professionals are happy to help keep your yard maintained and your trees looking fresh!
If you are a resident of Dedham, Massachusetts and are unsure if a tree needs to be removed or not, contact our team today! We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have. With years of experience that our team brings to the table we promise to assist our clients with any tree services needed. For more information contact Elliott Tree by calling us at 781-447-0045 or by filling out our contact form.
Main Phone: (781) 447-0045
Fax: (781) 447-0098
Emergency Number: (781) 831-1128
(Emergency Only)
Emergency Service Available 24/7
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