3 Tips for Protecting Your Trees Against Fall Storms

You may be familiar with some of the ways you need to protect your home during a storm—make sure there’s no leaking from the roof, the windows are all completely shut, etc. What do you do, however, to protect your trees?

Trees are a valuable part of your property. Not only can they act as natural barriers, shielding your home from the heat of the sun in summer, but they also increase the average price of homes come selling time. Not to mention: flying tree limbs during a storm have the potential to wreak havoc on your home.

Here are a few tips for getting your trees ready before the fall season—and fall storms—finally hit.

Pruning Isn’t Just for Show

It’s not just ornamental hedges that require pruning. Your trees do, too. Pruning doesn’t damage trees—in fact, it can help them to develop properly. In a forest, trees grow straight up—they have to compete with other trees for access to sunlight. As a result, vertical growth is encouraged. If a tree is alone in the middle of your lot, however, it can begin to spread out—sometimes to the point where the tree’s structure and trunk are more susceptible to storm damage. Pruning can help trees develop a strong central trunk, and eliminate branches that are weak or dying—helping your tree to better withstand stormy weather.

Encourage Healthy Growth

Your tree is a living entity, and like any living thing, it requires proper care and nutrition to grow strong. Watering your plants, especially during periods of drought or otherwise unusually dry weather, is an important part of this. Fertilizer and mulch (to prevent decay) can also be a good idea—research more about your individual tree species to discover what will be an appropriate course of treatment.

Learn to Recognize Trouble Signs

Is your tree oozing sap? Forming a hole in the center? Is the bark peeling off? All of these can be symptoms of a sick tree. Signs of an insect infestation or disease should be apparent if you get to know what your tree’s “normal” looks like—spongy wood, excessive leaf drop or a dead crown should warrant a call to your local arborist right away.

Is your tree prepared for autumn storms? Keep these tips in mind to ensure your tree’s health, and contact the arborist experts at Elliott Tree for more tips on proactive preparation.


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