One of the biggest mistakes homeowners make when purchasing a home is not taking in their landscape surroundings. Your landscape and trees can determine the value of your property. It's important to know what to look for when it comes to your trees. Knowing the symptoms of a dying tree could help avoid falling trees that could cause damage.
One of the first things you should look at is the base of the tree. This is where the tree meets the soil. Because you can't see what is going on beneath, you need to look at the section that keeps it standing. If you see any carpenter ants or sawdust, this is a good sign that there is wood decay on the tree. Wood decay could be an indication that there are other issues like a disease or an insect problem.
When looking at the bark and trunk of the tree, look for any peeling, cracks or holes. If you find that the trunk is beginning to decay, it will weaken the integrity of the tree. Any tree areas that don't have bark means that it's not getting any nutrients.
While out in your yard, if you find that you're picking up more and more branches, this could be a sign that it needs trimming. In the winter, it can be more difficult to determine if the tree is dead. Knowing what to look for will make it easier to identify dead tree limbs. Look into the tree's canopy for any leafless branches. If you find that more than 1/3 of the tree has no leaves, you may need to have it removed.

The best way to determine if a tree is dead or needs to be removed is to contact a professional tree removal company. Elliott Tree is happy to provide an estimate or answer any questions. Call us today at 781-447-0045 or by filling out our contact form.
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